And if you are turning back from them awaiting mercy from your Lord which you expect, then speak to them in gentle words.
If the believer doesn’t have enough money with him to give charity for the needy, he should behave politely and should say gentle words. Because he is in the consciousness that everything is under Lord’s control and He is giving anything He wishes to His servants. If the needy is from the Fujjar who hide and reject Adhikr, the believer shouldn’t help or pray for him. Indeed those who are heedful, whenever an impulse from Satan affects them, they remember, and then they are becoming the Insightful as explained in verse 7: 201. So the believer should do anything by praying with the soul to make his deeds beneficial for the Hereafter. Whoever testifies the Best Book Adhikr, then Lord will make all things easy for him, while whoever is niggard, think of him enough and rejects the Best Book, Lord will make all things difficult to him as explained in verse 16: 90. See explanation 2: 177; 9: 73, 95, and 125.